The Way Forward.

After almost three years, our elected government are only now showing their true colours. Carefully concealing their plans to thwart the democratic process with their evil conjurings of betrayal.

It’s very clear that this process was left until the 11th hour, not enough time for us to legally contest it, and no way to oust those that look upon us as a means to an end for their personal gain, we’re nobodies with no real voice. Their only interest, is our taxes which keep these over paid benefits thieves in luxurious lives. Make no mistake, expenses are nothing short of a benefit system and one which needs to end.

What are we to do now? We aren’t like the radical left, masked up faces, violent and unreasonable. We are educated people who understand the actions of remaining within the political asylum that is the EU. A system where you nor I have the power to change if we don’t like it. It’s a completely undemocratic system which only serves those unelected bureaucrats with their private jet hiring, and self regulating high expenses and extortionate pay cheques.

So, in my opinion, the only way forward is to vote our government out! No more ‘my dad voted……. so I do too’. No, it’s time to get busy and take back control.

The government and the news will tell you that if you vote any other way, i.e, UKIP, then you’re a racist! They need your vote, and there’s nothing more effective than labelling people to ensure you’ll vote for them. We cannot allow them to label us and dismiss our thoughts, speech and freedoms. It’s a very sad state of affairs when to talk about the cultural crimes committed in this country is deemed as more criminal than the crime itself. It’s a sad state of affairs when to talk about our failing and overloaded infrastructure because of sudden mass immigration thus wanting a better system, is deemed as bigotry and racism.

Enough is enough. We’re tired of being labelled for having genuine concerns. We’re tired of being ignored by the elitists toffs who get fat off the backs of the British public.

Time to fight back at the ballot box. No more voting Tory or labour. They have been too complacent and need to go. It’s time for change, a fresh start. We need a government who are for the people, not against us. A government who will uphold democracy. I implore you all, at the next elections, vote out all of those who have succeeded in taking away our democracy.